congregational care
Most of our hospital visits are done by one of our pastors; however, we have caring people who are often volunteering at nearby hospitals and may pay a visit as well. If you, (or another McEachern member you know) are ever sent to a hospital, please notify the church office during office hours at (770) 943-3008. If it is after office hours, please call the Emergency Pastoral Care Hotline at (770) 943-3008 extension 6030 if you need a pastor to speak with you right away.
You may also contact: for more information.
Care & Concern Ministries

Hospital Visitation
Hospital Visitation is done by one of our pastors. If you are ever sent to a hospital, please notify the church office during office hours at (770) 943-3008. If it is after office hours, please call the Emergency Pastoral Care Hotline at (770) 943-3008 extension 6030 and a pastor will speak with you right away. You may also contact: for more information.
Monday Morning Ministers
The Monday Morning Ministers group is comprised of committed, dedicated people who meet every Tuesday at 10:00 AM. They send cards to members and others in the community who are on our prayer list or who are going through a challenging time OR a joyous occasion, such as the birth of a baby. The group prays for the people who will receive the cards. Then each person in the group writes a note of comfort and encouragement to the person or family. If you’d like to be a part of this vital ministry, please contact:
Nancy Burkhardt or
Prayer Shawl Ministry
KNITTING & CROCHETING MINISTRY: Come and use your talent to bless others! We now have THREE opportunities for you to join one of these groups! A brand new group recently began meeting on Tuesdays, at 1:00 PM in room F322! Other groups meet on Tuesdays at 10:00 AM in room F227 and Thursdays at 10:00 AM in room F322. Use your talents to create afghans, prayer shawls and baby items that go to members in facilities throughout our community, including hospitals, rehab, assisted living and many others. To join a group, please contact Pastor Cindy at or 770.943.3008 X 5012.
Homebound Visitation
“McEachern Friends” is a wonderful ministry comprised of McEachern members who are matched with people who are homebound, in nursing homes, assisted living, or rehabilitation centers. McEachern Friends meet with homebound members regularly to talk, to pray, and to spend time together. If you are in need of a McEachern Friend or if you would like to become one, please contact Rev. Cindy Blocksidge at
Homebound Communion
Communion is served on the first Sunday of each month at McEachern UMC. For those who cannot come to church due to prolonged illness or because they are homebound, in a nursing home, rehabilitation center or assisted living facility, we’ll come to you. If you are in need of homebound communion, or if you would be willing to become a homebound communion server, please contact Rev. Cindy Blocksidge at
Support Opportunities

Stephen Ministry
Do you feel like you have the gifts of caring, encouragement, and listening? If so, please prayerfully consider becoming a Stephen Minister. Our Stephen Ministers provide emotional and spiritual support to people who are going through a difficult time, (but not limited to, divorce, grief, hospitalization, unemployment, terminal illness, relocation, chronic illness, and loneliness). McEachern Stephen Ministry will equip you with 50 hours of training to enhance your ability to be God’s conduit of healing for those in need. To find out more about becoming a Stephen Minister, OR if you would like to know about having a Stephen Minister contact our Stephen Ministry Leaders Bill Hanse at, 678-849-8383 or Nancy Burkhardt at, 770-337-2050.

GriefShare is a support group, offered seasonally, for people grieving the death of someone close to you. It is a place where you can be with people who understand the pain of your loss. At GriefShare, you’ll learn of valuable information that will help you to navigate this difficult time in your life. Each session is “self-contained,” so you do not have to attend in sequence. You will be encouraged and helped whenever you begin. To register contact Nancy Burkhardt at or call 770-943-3008, ext. 5002. If you need child care please include the name(s) and age(s) of the child.

Counseling Center
The Care and Counseling Center at McEachern UMC is now accepting appointments. Services are offered to our church family and the community on a sliding scale fee by licensed therapists. To request an appointment or for more information please call 678-567-5020or email Please download the forms listed below and complete before your first appointment.