Our nursery service is available, free of charge, for children ages 6 weeks to 5th grade while parents are at worship services and other scheduled functions. We ask for Weekday and Evening Nursery use that you please, make a reservation.
The purpose of our Nursery Department is to provide a safe, loving, fun and comfortable environment for your child so that you may worship and serve the Lord. Everything we do here at McEachern is aimed at one goal – bringing people of every age to Christ.
We believe our nurseries play a big part in reaching that goal. Even our littlest ones follow a curriculum and we believe that we are laying the foundation as they begin their faith journey.
Nursery Contact
Susan Koopman
Nursery Director
770-943-3008 ext. 5006
- Location & Rooms
- Times
- Our Caregivers
- Good Health Guidelines
- Diaper Bags
- Basic Policies & Procedures
- Safety
We are located on the bottom level of the Christian Life Center on Sundays
Nursery Office
Room F-135
Owl’s Nest (Nursing/comfort)
Room F-134
1-12 months
Room F-142
1 Year Olds
Room F-141
2 Year Olds
Room F-139
3 Year Olds
Room F-138
4 Year Olds
Room F-145
Embrace ~ Special Needs
Room F-133
Overflow Room
Room F-136
Sundays: 9:30 & 11:00 services we offer nursery birth through PreK.
Weekdays & Evenings: Childcare is available, with reservation, for infants through 5th grade when parents are participating in choir, Bible Study and various church functions.
Our paid nursery staff consists of mothers, grandmothers, and others called to serve the Lord by caring for your children. Each has had a background check, is CPR and first aid certified, and trained in Safe Sanctuaries. They are trained in fire safety and where to go during inclement weather. Our staff is also encouraged to participle in Bible Studies so that they are confident & comfortable sharing God’s amazing love with young children.
Please do not bring your child to Church if:
- Temperature is 100 degrees or above
- Child has been exposed to any contagious disease (Covid, chicken pox etc)
- Child has a runny nose with colored mucus.
- Child has shown any of the following symptoms during the last 24 hours:
- vomiting, diarrhea, eye infection (pink eye)
- We will contact you if your child should show any symptoms while they are in our care.
Please equip your diaper bag with the following LABELED items: four disposable diapers, bottles, pacifiers, special blankets, and a complete change of clothing. Please make sure that your diaper bag is also labeled.
Please check-in at desk upon arriving. Each room has a sign-in sheet which allows you to provide information about your child (warm bottle, feed at 9:30, where you may be located in the church, etc.). When you arrive at the nursery room, give the child and the diaper bag to the nursery staff along with any new or pertinent information. We recommend that you leave quickly. Your child will be able to adjust more quickly if you do not linger. No one is to enter the Nurseries except the workers and the children. The reasons for this are safety, sanitation, and ease of adjustment for the children. If your child should soil their underwear while in the nursery, you will be notified to come and change him/her. This is for the child’s privacy, as well as sanitary reasons. It is best not to visit your child until you are ready to leave. You will be notified immediately if an emergency should arise.
We strive to provide the utmost in safety & security!
- Sign-in/out – Safety—We request that parents (no siblings under 16) bring children to the nursery to sign them in/out. The pick-up label must be presented when child is released. It is important for parents to be on the church campus while their children are in the nursery. Cell Phones – Please leave a working cell phone number so we can reach you should you be needed during your time at McEachern UMC.
- Check-In System—Please stop at the sign-in desk to make sure information is current. Here you will receive a label for your child and one for you to return and pick-up.
- Snacks—We provide a snack (fruit loops, pretzels or Cheerios) with water. This allows us to very cautious for those who may have life-threatening food allergies. If your child should have an allergy, please place a yellow wristband on your child with what they are allergic to and if they are permitted to have our snack. Snack ingredients are posted outside each room for your approval. If there is a serious allergy that requires an Epi-Pen, we ask that you give us detailed information at check-in.

Payment must be made at the time of registration, either through the Church website either under Events or Nursery pages. Payment on-line is very easy from the forms. We cannot “hold” spots so please sign up early. Registration MUST be completed the Friday before the event for staffing purposes. Registration/Policy form and the Medical Release Form must be filled out. And also a copy of the Vaccination Record to stay on file. There is a $25 annual Registration Fee.
$25 for the 1st child.
$15 each for the additional children.
A minimum number of children is required; if we need to cancel, due to low numbers, you will be reimbursed. We follow Cobb County School dates. However, we are here for many breaks as well. For inclement weather, we may need to cancel or reschedule the event.
*For questions or cancellations call 770-943-3008 ext. 5006 or email