mceachern students


Taking your faith in Christ to the next level.

When it comes down to it, student ministry is about ownership – it’s about taking that next step in one’s faith journey. As the primary faith influence, parents play a vital role in this process. Our job is to come alongside parents and partner with them in impacting a student’s life. We provide environments where students encounter Christ holistically in order to respond more clearly to His leading.

While our programs play an integral part, relationships are what matter most. Authentic faith occurs when every teenager has a place to belong and people who believe in what Christ can do in them. Hence, leading small becomes the foundation for leading big for the kingdom of God.

Student Ministry Staff

Moose Mosteller

Weekly Programs

Wednesday Night Youth

Wednesday Night Youth (WNY) meets on Wednesdays from 6:00-8:00 PM in the Youth Suite (F329). WNY is a worship service just for students. We have a youth praise band that leads us in worship, games to build community, youth talk that helps us to grow in our faith, small groups that help us connect our faith to our own lives, and dinner to share a common meal together as a youth group. This program is for all 6th-12th grade students.


RENEW meets on Sunday mornings from 9:30-10:45 AM before the 11:00 AM service in the Youth Suite (F329). RENEW is a time of growing our faith through fellowship to nurture community, table discussions to help youth make connections between their faith on Sunday morning and math class on Monday, games to build connections through play, and pop-tarts. This program is for all 6th-12th grade students.

Upcoming Events

Wed Night Youth: Outdoor Games

Outdoor Games: Wednesday Night Youth is March 26 from 6-8 PM. Now that spring is finally starting, we have a chance to get outside and play in the sunshine. We will have dinner together and then head outside. We have a number of games planned from gaga ball, kickball, dodgeball, and others.

Confirmation Class

2025 Confirmation Class is open to all 8th-12th grade students who have not been confirmed and wish to join the church. Classes start on March 2 from 12:00-1:45 PM. You can find more details about the class by contacting Moose.

Beach Camp

When: May 30 – June 2
Where: Laguna Beach Christian Retreat, FL
With: North Georgia UMC Conference
Cost: $275
Deadline: May 9

River of Life: Mission Trip

When: June 18-22
Where: Dallas First UMC
With: Other UMC Churches
Cost: $150
Deadline: May 9

Costa Rica: Upper High School Mission Trip

When: July 12-19
Who: 11th-12th Grade Students (2024-2025 School Year)
Where: Costa Rica
With: Costa Rica Mission Project
Cost: $1,700 (before fundraisers)
Deadline Has Passed

Weekly Communication

2024-2025 Calendar